jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011


  • Intensivos Julio 2011

Lenguas Extranjeras

Del 18 al 22 de julio

Inscripción a partir del 1 de junio

  1. Título: Creating Interactive Whiteboard Lessons

Capacitador: Gonzalo Rosetti

Sede: CePA Central

Horario: 13:30-18hs

Población Docente


Do you know what an interactive whiteboard is? What would you use it for? How would you use it as a teaching tool in the classroom? These and other queries will be addressed in the course. Participants will learn to use the interactive whiteboard and its multimedia resources in order to design teaching sequences to enhance language learning in the EFL classroom.

  1. Título: What’s your topic?

Capacitadora: Ana María Barragán

Sede: 7

Horario: 8:30-13hs

Población Docente


The aim of this course is to provide teachers with a theoretical background as well as practical ideas on implementing topic work in their lessons. We will see how activities linked to the topic help children use the language in a purposeful way and find out things and do things which have meaning and interest for them.

  1. Título: Can English be learnt from written texts? Strategies to scaffold both written and oral production.

Capacitadora: Adriana Adem

Sede: CePA Central

Horario: 18-22:30hs



We will be examining the processes involved in understanding texts so that the information provided by the text –both in terms of the form and the content- can be used productively in the creation of new texts. Making readers participate more actively in the comprehension process can help retention and hence pave the way for production through the identification of productive patterns of the language and the vocabulary related to them.

4)Título: Des chansons et des lettres

Capacitadora: Viviana Ackerman

Sede: 7

Horario: 13:30-18hs



L’atelier mettra l’accent sur l’écriture. On prévoit travailler sur différents types textuels afin d’approffondir la correspondance entre lettres et phonèmes. L’activité sera théorico-pratique et on abordera surtout mais pas exclusivement des textes de chansons.

5)Título: La formazione degli insegnanti d’italiano tra il passato e il presente.

A cargo de: Docentes de la Asociación Dante Alighieri Buenos Aires y de la Sede Central de Roma.

Lugar: ADABA, Rodríguez Peña 575.

Horario: 9 -12hs y 14:30-19hs.


El curso se divide en tres áreas que desarrollan dos seminarios cada una. Area di Cultura: Storia e letteratura dell’ Italia unita; Il cinema nella lezione d’italiano. Area di glottodidattica: Piano AUDA e la sua aplicazione in aula; Proposte didattiche per bambini e adolescenti. Area di lingua: Fonetica e fonología; L’italiano d’oggi: tra scritto e parlato.

Este curso se realiza en el marco del acuerdo entre el Gobierno de la Ciudad y el Consulado de Italia. Se dictará del 25 al 28 de julio. Inscripción a partir del 1 de junio en Rodríguez Peña 575 de 15 a 20hs.